Corona Virus Lockdown Day 17 - Ghetto Charcuterie and yardwork

Pretty good day yesterday with lots of activity.   Here's what I did..

  • Made pork chops, eggs and grits for our breakfast
  • Worked on my blog and social media channels for a couple hours
  • Mowed, edged, and weed whacked the front and back yard
  • Cut up the mountains of Amazon and shipping boxes for recycling
  • Installed a new toilet seat in the guest bathroom
  • worked on my one of my bikes for about an hour
  • Installed a new side mirror on my son's car
  • Prepped my brewing equipment for a new batch of beer

I haven't been as active physically for the last couple of days, so it felt good to be busier.  I actually didn't break until 2:00 which put me in a predicament. I was hungry, but didn't want to eat a lot of food that late in the afternoon.  The solution was what I've come to call my "Ghetto Charcuterie Board"..

Poor Man's Charcuterie

Not the most elegant Charcuterie Board obviously.  Charcuterie snobs may smirk at my Ghetto Charcuterie Board, but hey.. it was tasty and the protein kept me filled up for hours.    

I'm a little closer on taking the Old Schwinn out for some rides.  I found an old bike rim up in the attic that will work perfectly on the front of the bike, until I can do a proper rebuild of the hub on the original rim.  The tire was shot, but the inner tube was perfectly fine.  I cleaned it up and repacked the wheel bearings, and it now spins like a charm. I had to order a new whitewall tire for it, and as soon as it arrives, I will be taking the old girl on some trips around the neighborhood.

Not much planned for today, so maybe I'll get a nice ride in.  Stay safe folks and be good to yourselves.  Try and do one nice thing for yourself every day, no matter how small it is.  See you tomorrow.