You know, I don't believe I've ever taken your typical Sunday Drive before. They used to be something quite common when I was a kid. My Dad would sometimes wake us up and say "C'mon everybody, we're going on a drive". We didn't have a ton of money, and a Sunday Drive was an affordable way to see something new and get away from it all.
I never understood the therapeutic nature a Sunday Drive could have. I now see that the grind of my Dad's life probably required him to do this from time to time, as doing so can help you to feel like you are truly getting away from it all for a brief period of time. And that.. is sometimes enough to recharge your batteries to help you carry on in life. This whole Covid mess has gotten under our skin and had us feeling helpless. This drive we took totally readjusted our attitudes and thinking. I was looking at the road, sky and trees differently. I felt like a brain cloud had been lifted and I could feel something again. Conversations with my wife felt different and more fulfilling, even when we were talking about nothing of importance.
It really was something we needed to do, and served as some kind of miraculous reset! We love to travel and discover new things, so this lockdown has really stifled that aspect of our lives that we enjoy tapping into. I go back to work very soon, but I do believe I'm going to try and squeak out more time in the near future for more Sunday Drives. I had no clue they could be so helpful and should have tried them years ago. Better late than never I guess.