Some idiot on a local radio talk show in Orlando was denouncing a possible Countrywide shut down due to the Corona virus. He was screaming that we simply cannot shut everything down for another three weeks, and that just staying inside won't stop the virus.
Has this guy seen the numbers I've been seeing every morning for the last week? Check out what I've been waking up to see on the news for the last several days..
U.S. Covid-19 cases
Friday 3/20 14,000 cases
Saturday 3/21 19,624 cases
Monday 3/23 35,000 cases
Tuesday 3/24 46,168 cases
What I'd love to tell this idiot, is that a lockdown is not going to stop the virus. Who knows.. we all may contract the virus eventually. However, a lockdown will slow the spread and make it more manageable for an already overloaded healthcare system where hospitals already can't keep up.
If we keep exponentially spreading this virus and continue flooding the hospitals, more people will die, plain and simple. Hospitals don't have enough of the basic supplies they need like gloves and masks, not to mention ventilators and test kits. And if the staff gets sick.. then we're really screwed.
So many people are just plain selfish. It's all about how this affects them personally. Dollars to Donuts.. that if their lives were touched personally by this virus, whether by them or a loved one getting infected, they would be singing a different tune.
Personally, I'd much rather be inconvenienced for a while rather than seeing the death toll skyrocket. The economy doesn't even come into play when I say this. We're already going to be hurting for a while because of this pandemic. The entire World will as well. We'll make it through this, but we have to look at this long term.
That is all. Rant over, pressure release accomplished.