First Sunday of the lockdown is in the books! It was really weird to say the least. Normally I always work weekends and never have a weekend day off with my bride. On the rare occasion that I do.. we usually fill our day with fun activities, or plan lots of things to do. After our morning walk today, we went back to the house and proceeded to fill our day with tasks to keep ourselves busy/sane.
Here's how I spent my Sunday..
- Noticed some slightly cloudy water in the pool, so I re-cleaned the filter and adjusted the chemical levels
- Helped my wife with some interior painting, getting the stuff up high for her
- Installed some handles/drawer pulls on the kitchen cabinet drawers
- Spent the better part of my day and afternoon organizing the garage
- Made Calzones for dinner Check em' out..
Not the prettiest Calzones by any means, but they tasted great
The Calzones were a hit with the family tonight. I just used a pizza dough recipe of mine, and it equated to 8 huge calzones. I stuffed them with Italian Sausage, thick cut Salami, Mozzarella, and some sauce. I will be doing these again, only next time with some peppers, mushroom, onion and olives.. all of which I was out of this week
I killed about an hour after dinner playing Minecraft. I needed a diversion to help me zone out after watching the evening news. At this point, I am watching the cases of Covid-19 double on a daily basis in most places (our town included). It's reaffirmed that I am doing the right thing staying put and limiting contact with the outside world as best as I can.
There will come a day soon when I will need to venture out and restock our food stores and supplies, but I've already decided that I will 100% be by using curbside pickup. When I get the items home, I will give the groceries a quick wipe with some sanitizer wipes. I think we're good for a few weeks still, but I'd like to get to the store before we start running too low on supplies.
An epiphany I had today, is that I really need to limit my exposure to the news. I may check it two to three times a day from here on out. That being.. morning, noon, and after dinner. Heck, maybe not even after dinner. Having the news going all day long is wearing me down and it's affecting my stress levels.
I'm on the verge of beginning daily bike rides. I will be tuning up my Brides bike, and another Beach Cruiser I own tomorrow, so I can start getting some more exercise. Bicycling is one of my favorite hobbies, but have hardly ridden since moving to Florida. The infrastructure, for lack of a better term.. Royally Sucks! It's one of the absolute, if not now.. the most dangerous place to ride a bike in the U.S. in fact. However, there are a couple trails nearby, and my neighborhood is pretty safe. I need to ease back into riding anyway, so the neighborhood will serve as a good training ground at first.
That's all for now friends. I will let you know how trying to limit my media induced stress works out for me. Cheers!