Lockdown Day 32 - Being handy

A wise man once said..

"If the women don't find you handsome.. they should at least find you handy."
     -- Red Green

Well, I was handy as heck yesterday!  I woke up to a stone dead battery in one of my cars.  The car had been cranking a bit slower over the last week.  It was an older battery, but I think not being driven, and in turn regularly being charged, sped up its demise.  I went to the auto repair shop I take my vehicles to, and fortunately they had the exact battery I needed.  I bought it, took it home, and swapped them out.  Hopefully I don't need to worry about doing this again for another 3 years or so.

Next up was some fix-it work to our handheld shower head.  Things just aren't made to last anymore. I believe this shower head is about three years old, and it sprung a leak on the back side of the handle.

It was actually a long crack about three inches long that started spraying water out wildly into the air. I removed the sprayer head and took it to my garage to see if I could patch it up somehow.  I grabbed my dremel, attached a grinding stone, and ground down the crack itself a bit, as well as the area around it.  I then applied a semi dry waterproof epoxy putty, pressing it into the crack, and overlapping the ground down surface surrounding the crack.  I let it cure all day, and by evening the sprayer head worked like a charm, and was watertight and leak free.  It's not the prettiest repair, but it should hold for a while.  I've already ordered a new sprayer head to replace it with, but I think I'm going to use this one until it starts leaking again.

Finally.. not so much handy as it was trying to be shipshape, I cleaned out the fridge.  I didn't realize we owned so much tupperware until I started this process.  With all of us in the house cooking now, leftovers and excess are getting put into containers and forgotten about.  I was able to clear out several science experiments that were on the verge of becoming entirely new lifeforms, and made sure we ate the remaining leftovers for the next day and a half, so as to avoid waste.  Cleaning out the fridge is one of those things that is incredibly gratifying once you've finished. (apart from the appearance of no longer having a full fridge).

Today is a rainy and gloomy day, so me and my bride aren't too motivated by projects and the like today.  Will let you know how I passed the hours tomorrow.  See ya then.