Drinking 9 month old Coke - Lockdown Day 42

New Coke STRANGER THINGS Cross PromoMy Coca-Cola stash ran dangerously low this week.  While tidying up, I decided to try and extend my supply, by chilling and opening up some older Coke Bottles from my collection.  I had several 9 month old bottles of Coca Cola Classic, Coke Zero, a can of NEW Coke that was released last summer for the STRANGER THINGS Cross Promotion, and some 16 ounce cans of Coke Zero.  Here are my findings

Coke Zero
I cracked open a can and split it with my bride. I was shocked to find there was absolutely no sweetness to it at all.  I looked at my wife and asked her what it tasted like to her, and she said it was just like Seltzer water. Next, I opened a glass bottle and it was devoid of any sweetness as well. So Coke Zero obviously doesn't hold up well over time at least for 9 months anyway.

Bottled Classic Coke 
My favorite drink from the Coca-Cola line. It had plenty of carbonation and tasted perfect.  I popped it open after mowing my yard, and was super satisfying to tip up that ice cold bottle on a 90 degree day.

NEW Coke
I like New Coke, but wasn't sure how it had held up since I last drank it in 2019. I was happy to see it tasted exactly like it did when I previously drank it 9 months ago.  I made sure to savor it slowly and took a little walk down memory lane as I drank it in the afternoon while doing some writing.


I must note that all cans and bottles were stored in the dark with no crazy spikes or drops in temperature for almost a year.  As far as the Coke Zero.. I can only attribute the total absence of sweetness to the Aspartame and Acesulfame K, simply not having a very long shelf life.

I'm not sure just how old of a Coca-Cola Bottle I would crack open to try.  Nine months very well may be my limit, but in these uncertain times, you never know..