I have always loved doing my grocery shopping early in the morning. I've done this since I was a teenager. It used to be that shopping in the morning meant no long lines, no crowds, and it was always quiet and peaceful. You could take your time and it was actually one of the farthest things from stress that one could experience in the course of everyday life.
Now, over the last decade, I've been increasingly irritated by a new trend. Many stores now have their employees stocking the shelves in the morning hours. Not early morning hours mind you. I'm talking about all morning until noon. Now, add in the dozens of employees picking customer orders for curbside pickup, and you have virtually every aisle packed with pallets, boxes, and carriers of all shapes and sizes. Sprinkle a few shoppers into the mix, and you've got an instant traffic jam.
Today in Wal-Mart at 8:00 a.m. I honestly felt like I couldn't stop walking in many aisles, for fear of my ankles getting taken out from behind by an impatient stocker or personal curbside shopper. The huffs and scowls I got from the employees because I was interfering with them completing their duties, was actually laughable at times. On three different occasions, I had to leave my shopping cart parked outside of the aisle, while I ducked & dodged people and carts to grab one or two items I needed.
I must state, that I don't blame the employees at all. Heck, I'm not sure why or when this change in stocking hours actually evolved into the hot mess it is today. I can't imagine its very fun for the folks trying their best to do their jobs. Now I'm not an impatient man and have no problems waiting in line, or even having to go through the motions slowly. What I can't stand when shopping however, is feeling rushed and unable to even access products I need in a store. I've tried to go later in the day, but by that time the tourists in the area where I live make an appearance, along with more curbside delivery shoppers. At this point, the aisles are absolutely jam packed.
I'm not sure what my solution to this problem is. I do spread my money around and shop at different stores, some of which I never experience this problem. Maybe I'll frequent those stores on mornings when I need a little more solitude. I won't lose any sleep over this. I just felt like rattling off an 'Old Man Rant'. Thanks for listening! These rants present themselves from time to time, so perhaps I'll make this a regular topic. But hopefully not too regularly.