Lockdown Day 24 - We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog post..

Day 24 of the lockdown has begun.  I'm not going to share a list of what I did yesterday like I
normally do.  I actually felt like going off on a full blown Retro Dad rant, but I'm already feeling myself getting more irritated and less happier on a daily basis, so maybe I should avoid doing this right now.

At this point, I guess I'm more disappointed than mad.  Disappointed in people that is.  You have morons in the media saying we're hiding under our beds, and schmucks in the government (I don't even need to name names) saying we need to get back to work.  The U.S. now has the most cases of Covid-19 in the world.  I'm not even going to point out what many in Government did in regards to ignoring the problem like little children and hoping it would all just get better and go away.

We are now very much in the thick of it, and people are still ignoring what they need to be doing to slow the spread of the virus.  I read somewhere yesterday that we lost an American every 45 seconds.  If this doesn't make these idiots in the government, media, and some in the general public take pause, what will it take?  I have been so incredibly inspired by fellow Americans during the last month, and in the same breath equally disgusted by many as well.  Sadly.. I can boil down a lot of what's happened in the last month to selfishness, as well as the old saying "Follow the Money".  People are dying in record numbers, millions are out of work, and we have mass graves being dug. But.. the stock markets are rallying for four days straight now, and the Commander-in-Chief is bragging about how good the economy is going to be.  Absolutely disgusting.

One thing is for sure, I'm going to come out on the other side of this mess a new Man.  Maybe not so much new.. but better.  I will better act on philosophies, morals, and ethics my folks instilled in me at an early age.  I'm going to be more self sufficient, because sadly.. we can't rely on the government to efficiently take care of us and protect us in situations like this that may arise.  I'm going to have backup plans in life, and additional backup plans for those backup plans.  To tell you the truth, I wasn't totally unprepared for this crisis, but I could've been a lot better prepared for it.

A wise man once told me.. "Darrin, when times are good, they won't last forever.  And, when times are bad.. they won't last forever".  This had a profound effect on the way I looked at life from that point on.  We can't control what's going to happen in life, but we can always ready ourselves to be flexible, adaptable, and prepared.

I'm taking a mental health day today.  No news, no focusing on the negative, just isolating and trying to focus on good times and a better future.  I'll be back tomorrow with an adjusted attitude.  Hang in there folks.