Corona Virus COVID-19 Lockdown Day 12 - Another trip into society

So while I had every intent of taking an early morning walk or bike ride yesterday, I ended up deviating from that plan, because I once again had to venture out into the unknown.  I got an e-mail from Lowe's that they couldn't deliver my items I ordered online, and that I had to pick them up at their store.

I headed out before 8:00 a.m. and thankfully there was virtually no one there. I smelled the scent of chlorine as I walked through the doors, obviously from the cleaner they have been diligently sanitizing with.  Sneeze guards were in place by customer service now.  Messages played over the store's P.A. system that repeatedly explained steps on how to avoid the virus.  Many workers were wearing masks and gloves, vigorously cleaning everything in sight.  The cashier sanitized the credit card reader and keypad both before and after I was done using it.  Like so many other things I've experienced this week, it was all utterly surreal.

I got home, unloaded my items in the garage, sprayed Lysol on the bottom of my shoes, and headed directly to the shower.  I then made a breakfast of corned beef hash, eggs, and fruit salad for me and my bride.  I was definitely on track to a much better mind set for the day. 

Here's how I attacked the rest of it..
  • Pressure washed the sidewalk in front of my house
  • Worked on another one of my bikes for about an hour
  • Took a short bike ride around the neighborhood
  • Worked on my blog and social media accounts
  • Went swimming for about an hour
  • Made chili dogs for dinner
  • Went on a bike ride after dinner with my wife

I must say that today was a much better day for me. I didn't watch the news at all today, only checking in on an occasional news story that popped up on MSN or social media. I filled my ear holes with my favorite music and podcasts as I worked around the house.  Any exercise I get helps me immensely. Whether it's endorphins, or something like that I don't know.  I just know it always puts me in a better place mentally.  It also helps though when the form of exercise you perform, is something you truly love like swimming or biking.

Comfort food was the theme of the day, and while lunch wasn't as exciting, it was still good.  I had rice and beans which were leftovers from a meal earlier in the week.  We're being really attentive to what's in the fridge so we don't waste anything, or have to throw anything out.

Now it's once again the weekend, and it seems like the days are all blending together. It would be much worse if I didn't have this blog to actually make me reflect on what I did I am doing everyday.  It also gives me a great sense of accomplishment to look back on what I've done.  Not sure what I've got lined up for today, so I'll just wing it rather than plan anything.  There is still plenty for me to do, and I'm sure I will figure it out.

Take care and keep yourselves busy friends.  It really does help.