She signed with Motown in 1965 and enjoyed modest success, but her career really started taking off when she started singing with Marvin Gaye in 1967. However, her new found success would be short lived. Later in October of that same year, she collapsed in Marvin Gaye's arms while performing on stage. That led to a diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor which led to her death three years later at the age of 24.
While Tammi Terrell is no longer a household name, I have no doubt that you'll recognize at least one or two of these incredibly beautiful songs..
Marvin Gaye was so distraught by Tammi's death, that he took a four year hiatus from live performances. They had an incredible chemistry, and virtually every song they recorded together was a hit on the charts. Who knows just how amazing her career could have been if her life hadn't been cut so tragically short. One thing is for certain, music as great as Tammi and Marvin Gaye's will never die.