Fat Tire put New Belgium Brewing on the map, and helped to start a micro brew revolution in Colorado and quite likely across the nation. With every passing year comes a new model of beach cruiser entirely different from the last, and unique unto itself.
The bikes are reserved as gifts for New Belgium employees when they reach their one year anniversary with the company. However, they are also offered to the general public via fund raising auctions, raffles, and the occasional promotional giveaway. Needless to say, it's not very easy to get your hands on one. Sure you've got the secondary market with auctions on eBay etc, but you can pay a pretty penny for them.
A sea of Fat Tire Bikes at New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, CO.
Living close by the New Belgium headquarters in Fort Collins for so many years, afforded me opportunities to see many a Fat Tire bike in the wild. Several local restaurants and bars display them and work them into their decor. Taking a stroll in old Town Fort Collins almost always yields sightings of New Belgium bikes parked about town and secured to bicycle racks.
Fat Tire Bike at the old Beau Jo's Pizza in Old Town Fort Collins
As both a beach cruiser enthusiast and huge fan of New Belgium Brewing, I always had my heart set on owning one of their beach cruiser bikes. 2013 was the year my wish came true.
My bike as it sat for the better part of ten years
The Fat Tire Cruiser pictured above, hung from the ceiling as part of the restaurant decor at a local Old Chicago restaurant in Greeley Colorado for quite some time. I actually snapped this picture above on a Sunday afternoon in 2008 as some friends and I watched a Denver Broncos game, whilst feasting on pizza and wings.
Due to a remodel in 2013, the bike came down and I was sure I'd never see it again. However, it appeared once again during a "Movember" fund raiser that Old Chicago was throwing. It went on the block for a silent auction to raise money for prostate cancer research. I originally had plans to join my buddies for an evening of fun filled events, but had to attend a choir concert at my kids school.
Knowing that I was a single speed bike and beach cruiser fanatic, my friend got a hold of me and said that the bike was up for auction. He asked me if I wanted him to bid on it for me. I told him "ABSOLUTELY" and notified him what I could afford to pay, which was $150.00. Whether folks didn't know exactly what kind of treasure they were bidding on, or there was simply a lack of retro bike enthusiasts in the house remains to be seen, but my buddy put in my modest bid, and the bike was mine.
The same Fat Tire model, as it hangs in the New Belgium Brewing facility
After my kids choir concert had finished, I met up with my friends at Old Chicago and took a gander at the newest addition to my retro bicycle collection. The bike is New Belgiums's 2000 model made by the Electra Bicycle Company, and was the second year these New Belgium Fat Tire bikes were produced.
2000 New Belgium Beach Cruiser
At the end of the night, my friend stated there was one condition to me taking possession of the bike. He said I needed to ride the bike across the snow and ice covered parking lot to my car. Growing up in Colorado this was no tall order, but riding a bike in snow and ice is something I hadn't done since I was a teenager. However, the Electra branded tires gripped perfectly and kept me from making a fool out of.. and or injuring myself.
I kept the bike in its original condition, apart from adding a New Belgium branded bike bell and valve stem caps that I bought at the New Belgium Brewery.
I've always had an immense amount of respect for the New Belgium Brewing Company. Their never ending efforts in becoming a more sustainable and green company are both impressive and admirable, especially when it's much easier and affordable to go the opposite way.
Ten years later, I still own the bike. I take it out for a ride a few times a year, and give it a semi-annual dusting and polishing. For me, a New Belgium bike.. any model of New Belgium bike is certainly an honor to own, and I'll always cherish this bike.
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