We've all taken pictures that we wish would have turned out better. Back in the day before digital cameras, there were no quick previews and do overs. You had no idea how your pictures were going to turn out, until you got the negatives developed at your local Fotomat.
Here are a few less than perfect pictures that my old man took at Knott's Berry Farm back in 1975. He never had the heart to throw them out, and I sure am glad he hung onto them all these years.

This is me at five years old, right before mounting my trusty carousel steed. My old man used to love taking us on the carousel, and was probably pretty disappointed that this picture didn't turn out better.

This one turned out a bit better, and was obviously the second picture Dad took. You can see the top of the picture was a bit overexposed just like the first. I wouldn't be surprised if these were the first two pictures on this roll of film.

My brother, myself, and my mother taking a break from a busy day of walking. We're standing in front of the old Fiesta Village section of the park that featured shops, places to eat, and gratuitous seating for the weary park goers. I believe the area still exists in the park, albeit much different looking today.
A special thanks to "Daveland" and "Gorilla's Don't Blog" for inspiring me to post these less than perfect pictures. Both sites have an incredible appreciation for vintage Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm pictures,
even the not so perfect ones. Check out their respective sites below.