A moment of peace

9:12 a.m.. I'm just sitting in my car this morning in the parking lot at work. Door opened, cool breeze hitting my face. 

I'm making myself pause for some reason. Trying to get a moment of clarity before the madness of my day starts. (And there WILL be madness).

It's amazing to me. All of the bull crap, all of the pain, trauma, suffering and loss that has occasionally hit over my course of half a century on this earth.

But absolutely none of that matters at this very moment. Right now I've got a delicious coffee in my hand, a fresh donut in the other. I'm listening to the birds chirp and breathing in the fresh air. I'm above ground, I'm upright, I'm way better off than many others in this world and I'm truly grateful. 

Why is it so hard to keep yourself at a positive vibration in this life? We have every tool we need, we tell ourselves what we need to do, yet we lose sight so quickly during the course of just a regular day. 

Nothing has meaning until we give it meaning. It's a mantra I should practice daily. And I'm going to try my best to do this today.  Not control my reality, but adjust the way I view it. Because THAT you can control.

Be good to yourselves my friends.